Monday 5 September 2011

meriko's beauty diary: Dolly Wink Eyeshadow #3

Hey everyone! (:

It's merigon again~ Today I'll be doing a short post on the dolly wink eyeshadow palette I purchased recently during my trip to Tokyo this summer ;)

Dollywink products have been pretty popular recently, and being the Tsu-chan fan that I am, I had to try out one of these palettes xD. I also purchased the no.1 palette, but I though I'd make a post on this one instead - cause I just loved the bright eye-catching colours!  I rarely apply so much colour on my lids, but I think this look turned out really nice. Such a great look for days when you just wanna have fun and stand out from the crowd!

The only issue I had with these shadows were that they weren't too solid. As you can see from the swatches, the colours can be kinda hard to see - so if you want them to be really opaque, you're gonna need to apply a few layers. Other than that, I liked this quite a lot. The texture was nice, and it lasted pretty much all day (:

I tried to replicate Tsubasa's look (:
Not perfect though - since I don't have the same eye shape nor the dollywink lashes ;(

Additional pics (;

wth my bangs >.>

All in all, I love this palette and I'd recommend trying it out if you like refreshing bright colours! (:

xx; merigon