Saturday 17 September 2011

Outfit Post #2!

 Hi Everyone (:
Merigon back posting again!

Here's a few set of outfits I wore in during the past 2 weeks. No, I didn't take pictures for everyday.... you know, was just really tired from school and things on some days - so these were mainly outfits I wore on days off, hence some of them are less comfy-casual. It's been getting pretty chilly lately too, so leggings and cardigans will be appearing a lot more from now on (:

Well, enjoy~~
Questions and constructive criticism always welcome (:
...let's not comment on my amateur posing LOL. I *tried*

 - xx Merigon



  1. Oh gosh I'm in love with your outfit coordinates! I envy your style so much~

  2. I am loving those lacy tops you have on! These are very nice autumn coords. They have a very mature, sophisticated feel about them!

  3. @PandaDelight, Aw thank you so much >__< I'm always still looking for improvement in my style though ^_^

    @Abbie, I love lace! hehe fit for all four seasons ;)Thanks for the comment <3
