Saturday 3 September 2011

meriko's wardrobe: outfit post #1!

heeyy guyssss!

So sorry I havn't posted for a while...was traveling a lot during the summer. But now that I'm back and getting ready for school, we should be posting more ;)

Today, I'm gonna make a post on the outfits I've been wearing lately (:
I'll try to keep this up on a weekly basis :D This post is still somewhat summery but I guess starting next week I'll be more transitioning from summer to fall. And yes, I'm in love with the dusty pink colour xD I'm sorry I wear it all the time orz, and sorry for the awkward posing. Still getting used to this..anddd, sorry you can't see the shoes in these pics. I'm actually a huge shoes addict so I'd love to show my collection but I'm still trying to find a way to get the shoes to fit in the pic >__< Hopefully, I'll figure it out soon! Well that's it, enjoy :P

Comments and constructive criticism would be much appreciated

xx ; merigon


  1. Uniform fashion that is very beautiful. You so so so kawaii >w<!

  2. @KINGRPG: thanks so much! >__<
